Basic Lighting Setups and Experimentation


Building upon these, we were told to decide on a print publication and shoot the cover image for it. Out group decided to shoot the cover for Vogue Paris, and use a variation of the loop light setup.


We shot at f11, setting the key light to a power of 5.1, and introduced a fill flash behind our model to create a very bright, solid background, and remove most of the distracting textures.


I found this task to be quite stressful, working in a relatively large group who seemed to share the same distaste for this kind of photography, encountering quite a few technical difficulties with transferring images to Capture One. This was alongside having to share the studio with four other groups, each with their own lighting setups and backdrops. That being said, I found it useful to go back to basics with lighting, and this has helped me create a starting point for the setups I would like to use in my MONO project.

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