Design Elements

Design elements in a typical magazine.

  • Headline / Standfirst / Byline
    • Fairly self explanatory. This introduces the article hints at the content. The byline can sometimes be found in the gutter.

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  • Body Copy

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  • Pull Quote
    • Usually an extract from the body copy, can be used to sum up important details and draw people into the content.

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  • Drop Cap
    • Signifies the start of the copy. The first letter of the first word in the first paragraph is increased in size, and can be followed by the remainder of the first word being in full caps.


  • Subhead
  • Image Caption

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  • Slug
    • A running design element if content runs into several pages. Usually small and indiscreet. In this example, the segment about Myanmar’s internet adoption runs across six pages, and this slug is found somewhere on each spread.

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  • Folio
    • Any text found in the margin, usually the publication name, page number, and a website.



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