Publication Name

Right now, this is probably the biggest problem I am facing, and it just happens to be probably the most important part of the publication. I had originally intended to call it something along the lines of ‘Archi’, after having had it referred to me several times during emails I had received and in articles I had read in the past. However, it turns out that a publication with this name already exists in Italy.


I want to try and think of something that isn’t in circulation currently, so I will come up with something else.

I carried out a quick Google search just to look to see how other architectural publications are named, and I discovered two running trends.

These kinds of publications either feature the word ‘architecture’ followed by something related to a book, for example ‘record’, ‘journal’ or ‘review’. It’s these kinds of publications that seem to cater for architects themselves, rather than enthusiasts.

Other publications tend to follow a one-word theme, with that word, understandably, being related to something to do with architecture or the built environment, for example ‘Metropolis’, ‘Domus’ and ‘Plan’.

This left me with two possibilities.

  • I find a way to combine all of the movements in my fanzine into one word, which will look chaotic.
  • Find a theme which runs throughout all of the movements, and use that as the title.



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