@greatarsenal – Opie O

Opie is an ex student who has managed to crack Instagram, using the social media platform to generate around 80% of his workload; with a growing list of clients including Audi and Adidas.

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The main things I picked up were:

  • Networking is key…
    • Follow community hubs and interact with said community. Take part in photowalks to meet and network with new photographers. The more you help and interact with the community, the more they will help and interact with you.
  • If a client asks you to work for them, know your price, and keep in contact with them.
  • Find your own style and work from that.
  • Delete your worst work.
    • Your Instagram is essentially another portfolio. Keep personal and professional work separate.
  • Post daily/regularly, so prospective clients and users will see that you are serious about your work.
  • Be prepared to get undercut at first when clients offer work, and expect to work for free when you first start out.

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