Composite (Stress) Images

I’ve spent the past two nights feeling like my head was going to explode as I attempted different ways of beginning the composite image. I realise that I still have the cup element, as well as the human elements to shoot, and I get the feeling that these won’t be as tedious or as stressful as the work that needs to be done for the background.

Initially, I shot 150 images from the motorway bridge, and tried two different ways of stacking them in order to use layer masks to remove/add vehicles to the different carriageways.

The first attempt, in which I loaded each image into a stack, failed. My first issue here was exporting each file out of Capture one as a 60mb .psd file, which considerably slowed down the process, and, further than my head exploding, seemed to make my laptop want to burst into flames. I stopped this process, and instead exported each of the images out of C1 as .jpg files. I still had issues with slow speeds (I believe C1 is out to destroy both my RAM and my SSD). The next issue I faced was when it came to using layer masks. As the images were shot so close together, I found that using layer masks wasn’t effective, as it would just reveal the same vehicle slightly further up the road.

My next method to try to create a blank canvas. I did this by using the median statistics script to stack and remove differences between images. This was mostly successful, however I found that the foreground remained in focus, while every part of the background became blurry.

To work around this, I returned to the bridge the next day and shot under similar conditions (albeit later in the day). I shot fifty images here, instead of 150; as well as several long exposures.

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When merged together with the same script, I was left with quite a successful result. It does involve having to have a slightly tighter crop, however I am still left with the central reservation in the centre of the image to act as the gutter.

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The background here is still slightly out of focus, however, using one of the fifty images I shot as well on that day, I was able to use a layer mask to show a sharper background.

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What’s stressing me out here, is that whenever I add in another layer, made from one of the individual images, and duplicate the layer mask, I keep getting faced with the same issues as before, where brushing in one vehicle removes another which I need to be kept in place.

One thing I could try here is selecting only the right hand part of an image, feathering it, and then copying it as a new layer into the main composite. This should, in theory, save time as well as helping my laptop handle the image with less strain in the processor. Alternatively, I could reduce the extent of the traffic jam, and make it seem like the ‘crash’ has just happened. Rather than have a fully fledged tailback, I could have it seem more like the traffic is only just starting to back up.

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