General Thoughts

After these talks to date, I have already begun to question whether or not going freelance is the way I wish to go.

Becoming an employee isn’t exactly jumping out as a very good option, both from a business standpoint, and due to a lack of architectural photographer positions within companies or architecture practices currently.

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The only vacancy I have come across on LinkedIn so far is this one at SOM, yet even for an entry-level photographer, they are after, at a minimum:

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Five years experience working in architectural photography and video, and a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. While I am working towards the latter, the experience standpoint is leading me to believe that, even if I wish to possibly become an in-house photographer, I will likely have to work freelance for several years before I get to that point.

My main worries with working freelance is the amount of time that I will be spending doing admin work, rather than shooting.

Another thing I have considered is creating some kind of loose collective of other photographers, and take a more artistic view of photography, and to a lesser extent, the commercial side.

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