COVID 19 – FMP Adaptation – 19/4

How am I feeling?

Tired, lost, and struggling to keep any sense of organisation or normality with the lack of structure that the lockdown has caused.

How have I been keeping myself organised?

I haven’t, really. I have been working between four and six days a week at a supermarket since the lockdown began, so I am struggling to find the time to fit any kind of university work in. That being said, I have been trying to do what I can with what I have, in the time I did have before the new briefs were released. Now that the briefs have been released, I have been able to reduce my hours to give myself more time to complete uni work, as well as benefit my own health by staying indoors more.

How will I continue my FMP?

Naturally, I will be following the updated brief, as well as using the extra time I have to complete the work and attend group video tutorials. In recent days, I have also considered creating a zine to allow me to have some form of a physical artefact for the work I have created.

I will regularly have to reflect on how I would have originally completed this FMP, and compare that to what I am doing in light of the circumstances.

The final product, a PDF, will have to be available online. As I am no longer having to print a physical book to a deadline, I can spend more time focusing on the design itself – especially the front cover, and potentially end papers.

What am I doing in terms of photography away from FMP?

As I have been working, not much. I have been able to photograph in any capacity only twice since the lockdown began, and most of this is in places where I have already shot before. I am seeing what other people are photographing daily while exercising or around the home, and this is doing nothing to help make me feel like I am falling behind in more ways than one.

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