Takeaways from Today


  • The old book cover design I used was similar to a design-style book (similar to Phaidon’s books on materials), and I should be more delicate with the design. I should consider the text, and make it smaller as people will be more likely to read it. I should also consider the typeface, to make it more similar to the type inside the book.
  • In terms of colour, I could use the dropper tool (or Adobe Kuler) to find different colour pallettes to use.
  • I should look at photobook publishers to see how books are presented online, and consider creating an Issuu ‘online turnover’ video.


  • I should use a more impactful typeface and colour on the front cover, one which resonates the word ‘stone’
  • The flow of the book is good; the lines of prose fit in with the early image sequence.
  • I should include a personal note at the end of the book, to offer some clarity as to why I have decided to photograph there.
  • I should experiment with the location of the prose text on the page.
  • I could consider setting the title to 90% black.


  • With regards to the third online submission, it could be an idea to include a wider and more interactive edit for my website which includes a wider, more meandering edit. This could tie in with the suggestion of a turnover style video of the PDF.
  • The front cover image is highly detailed and bright, which would be difficult to print. I should consider an alternative image for print should it come to that point, or I should make adjustments to the existing one.
  • I could consider adding another verse to the prose at the start of the book.
  • I should credit the prose at the start of the book rather than at the back, which would leave more space for me to talk about ideas of journey and approaches to photography at the end. This could be roughly two paragraphs of 250 words in total.

It is worth noting that this final edit is not worse than what I intended, not better, but just different. I have had to change the outcome of the work based on the rapidly evolving situation I have found myself in. I am still happy with this work, but to me it will always feel unfinished until it is printed in full.

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